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                Shenzhen emperor electronic co., LTD与我司签订网站建设协议

                日期 : 2021-11-18 11:37:00
                Shenzhen emperor electronic co., LTD is a high and new technology enterprise focus on market and scheme.Emperor set was established in 2010, is a collection of r &d, production and sales in the integration of high-tech enterprises.
                Enterprise for shenzhen high and the combination of national high-tech enterprise certification, with more than 40 patent technology. In strict accordance with ISO9001-2015 international quality management system standard management, and through the European SMETA social responsibility such as certification.
                Company sales team to set up bluetooth division, intelligent home group. Cover the TWS bluetooth headset, bluetooth speakers, smart apparel and other products. Product quality through the FCC, CE, ROSH, 3 c and other international and domestic certification.
